Donations help students directly
To make this field school widely accessible to young adults from across Canada, we require financial assistance.
Donate Now! US online donations
Donate Now! Canadian online donations
Please consider sponsoring a student. Your generosity can make this unique program available to those who otherwise might not be able to participate. You could also create a bursary in memory of a friend or family member, or fund a student scholarship.
Other donations
You can support the Redfish School of Change with a one-time or monthly financial contribution. Your support allows us to offer this unique and transformational program to students from a variety of backgrounds.
The Redfish School of Change also appreciates these contributions:
- Non-perishable and fresh food
- Gear such as tents, cook stoves, cooking pots, maps and compasses, first aid kits and other supplies
- Workshop and presentation materials, notebooks, journals, gift cards, and other office supplies
- Transportation to assist us as we travel by van, bus, ferry and voyageur canoe
- Guest presentations, workshops and other facilitation.
Contact us to talk about other ways to support the Redfish School of Change.